Tuesday, December 21, 2010

helllllo christmas season!!

i seriously feel like singing christmas music and decorating my house{more, since i was very bahhumbugish with work consuming my every moment}!! it's funny what a little bit more sleep will do for a girl!

oh grevy. yep, that's what i said.

this little dude was something else last night. my sister was over helping me out with little sister yesterday, so we had a few old friends come by to hang out for a bit! boy howdy, grevy was in rare form. he was ALL OVER the place. i'm pretty sure these girls thought they might need a visit to the ER before the night was over{thank goodness we only ventured out for italian food and no ER trips}.

after all of the madness i did happen to hear something pretty darn funny.

grevy says:

me: bubba you are so rambunctious.
grevy: i'm not bunctious mama! you're bunctious.

Monday, December 20, 2010

oh me oh my!

i can breathe!!

i wasn't kidding. the past three months have made me cry, want to take a nap underneath my desk, and want to run away as fast as i can; with my little ones of course. okay, and the husband!

i've also come to realize that i could get a second job at night. going to sleep at two and three am with children to take care of and a day job was a piece of cake! yeah.

it got pretty sad when I was counting down the days til christmas, because I knew that the work madness would end when christmas arrived.

so, now that i might have a little more freeeeeee time...

i'm starting to think that i could just blog about the entertaining things that little grevy says and does. he has turned into such a funny little dude. emma seems to be his biggest fan! goodness, i never thought that i could love two little people as much as i do!

grevy says:

something nice to everyone he talks to.

"you're pretty mama. i like your nails."

"that girl is pretty." as we stroll through target.

"my dada is nice."

"you look pretty aunt michy."

"grandma, i like your tv cabinet, it's nice. i like your new light"

he also demands a $1 after he goes poopoo in the potty. thanks nana and pappy! at this rate grevy is going to be rich before he's 3!