Thursday, July 22, 2010

whack yob.

not fried chicken of the day:
waking up to fresh telling me he won playing poker last night.
listening to grey talk to emma on the way home. "don't cry eeemah, play with your toys."
emma held my hand, a lot.
greyson asked emma if he could check her beat heart with his toy stethoscope.

the fried chicken of the day:

sachse road had construction workers directing traffic this morning. thank you for fixing the road {and starting my road rage before making it to hwy 78}.
craigery's phone making me think that i was about to get jacked or killed.
the {cricket house}
realizing that fresh probably isn't going to be breaking off any of that for his fresh.

cover me like a blanket.

1 comment:

  1. but he did break some off for his fresh, proving that husbands can surprise you!
